The gene pool is the set of all genes, or genetic information, in any population, usually of a particular species. This also proves to be the basic level at which evolution occurs.
gene poolとは意味:《生化学》遺伝子{いでんし}プール、遺伝子給源{いでんし きゅうげん}、遺伝子貯蔵庫{いでんし ちょぞうこ}◆一生物の全個体の対立遺伝子すべての集合 gene pool meaning: Noun: gene pool (genetics) all the genes in a population Derived forms: gene pools Encyclopedia: Gene pool gene pool en francais:patrimoine génétique, total de tous les gènes relatés par la population d'un genre définigene pool artinya:takungan gengene pool 뜻:phrase, 유전자 풀, 유전자 공급원(멘델 집단을 구성하는 모든 개체가 가지고 있는 유전자 전체)gene pool перевод:1) _биол. генофонд, совокупность наследственных факторов популяции